Where Does Hail Come From?

Hail storms in North Texas are a matter of fact. You cannot always be sure when they will strike, but you can guarantee at some point they will. 

But how does hail form? 

Hail is formed when the winds going into a thunderstorm carry a raindrop into the cold air of the upper levels of the atmosphere. This causes the raindrop to freeze and a small ball of ice is created. 

Okay, how does hail grow in size? 

Hail grows when it encounters raindrops that are “super cooled.” Super cooled water means the temperature of the water is below freezing, but it has not frozen yet. When the super cooled water comes into contact with the hail they bond, thus making the size of the hail larger. 

So what determines how big the hail gets?

The stronger the winds that are going into the thunderstorm, the higher the hail will lift. This give it more time to connect with super cooled water and expand in size. As long as the wind keeps lifting it, it will keep expanding. When the hail finally gets to heavy for the wind, it will fall. 

It hailed, my car is damaged! What do I do? 

We’re glad you asked! Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas is here for you every step of the way. With our Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) system, we can repair any hail related damage your vehicle acquires. Often times, we even repair hail damage faster than a typical body shop, saving you time. 

How does PDR work? 

A highly trained PDR technician will use a set of unique tools designed to access the dent/s from the backside of the metal panel. The technician will then slowly massage and push to reshape the dented panel, restoring it to it’s original glory. 

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We all know hail is unpredictable, making it hard to plan for, but with us, Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, the fear after the storm is gone! 

Protecting Your Car From Hail Damage

Oh no! You’ve checked the radar, and a storm with potential hail is coming! You don’t have a garage or carport to store your car. What do you do? How can you protect your car? 

Large Buildings

Have any large buildings nearby? If the storm is approaching from the west, try parking your car on the east side of the building. Basically, you are using the coverage from the building to hopefully alleviate the worst of the storm. If the wind is strong, the building may completely shield your car from the damage of the storm. 

Blankets or Car Covers

Old blankets will work in a pinch. Lay them over your car and tape them down with duct tape. Just be careful where you put the tape. You don’t want the tape leaving any residue behind in unwanted places. With enough advance warning, or if you live in a hail prone region, you may benefit from purchasing a car cover. 

Covered Public Parking

As you are out and about it may benefit you to keep an eye out for any sort of covered public parking. Look for shopping center or mall parking garages. If the hail gets to you before you make it to the parking garage, look for any sort of shelter (i.e. gas station canopy, overpass). 

If none of the options pan out and you do end up with hail damage, do not despair! Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions in Lewisville, Texas is here for you. With our Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) system, we can repair any hail related damage on your vehicle. By repairing your vehicle with PDR you save time, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on other things. PDR repairs tend to be faster than your average body shop, and unlike a body shop, PDR will not harm your vehicle’s finish! 

Hopefully you can save your car from hail damage, but if not we at Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions are ready to serve you! 

How to Spot Hail Damage

Living in North Texas means you see your fair share of hail in the weather. At Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions we specialize in repairing your hail damaged vehicle with our simple process with guaranteed results. One of the largest benefits to repairing hail damage, in addition to aesthetics, is resale value. If it has been hailing it is important to be able to spot and properly identify hail damage to your vehicle, so you can get it repaired properly. 


Dents are the first thing to look for if you suspect hail damage to your vehicle. Dents can be located anywhere, but specifically check the trunk, doors and sides of the vehicle, and the hood. Any dent, major or minor, could be from the hail storm. You should also double check doorjambs. If the doorjamb is stuck or dented, that could also be a result of hail damage. 

Cracked Glass

Secondly, check for broken or cracked glass. The most obvious glass to check would be the windshield, but be sure to inspect the windows and mirrors as well. Severely cracked glass can shatter while you are in the vehicle posing a safety risk to you and your passengers. It also impairs your vision while driving. 


Lastly, check your mirrors. Are they still there? Depending on the severity of the hail storm, the hail may have knocked your side mirrors off. If your mirrors are still there, check the joints to make sure they are still properly attached to your vehicle. You absolutely do not want your mirrors shaking or falling off while you are driving down the road. 

If you find your vehicle with any dents from hail damage, let us repair it for you! Our Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) can repair any dent related damage on your vehicle. By repairing your vehicle with PDR you save time you could spend doing other things. PDR repairs tend to be faster than your average body shop, and unlike a body shop, PDR does not harm your vehicle’s finish! 

We at Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions in Lewisville look forward to working with you soon!