We are currently in a season where you may not be out driving your vehicle very much. Unfortunately, dents can happen any time you take your vehicle out. However, if you know what to look out for you may be able to avoid a few unwanted dents. Your vehicle is most commonly going to dented by:
Shopping Carts
When you go to the store look for a parking spot far away from loose shopping carts. However, someone may leave a shopping cart unattended near your vehicle while you are unaware in the store. Slowly, the wind blows the shopping cart and it eventually comes into contact with your vehicle resulting in a dent or scratch. Ideally, shopper would take their carts back to their proper location, but that does not always happen.
Automatic Car Washes
While convenient, and a nice way to get a break from your house, automatic car washes can sometimes leave unwanted dents in your vehicle. While your vehicle is on the conveyor belt it can get bumped, leaving an unwanted dent.
Distracted Driving
If you haven’t been out driving in a while, it may take you a second to reacclimatize yourself to the roads. It is easy to become distracted and you, or another driver, may accidentally collide with another vehicle resulting in dents to your vehicle.
Recreational Equipment
More and more as the weather gets better and you and your family are spending more time outside you may find yourself enjoying some recreational activities. As you, your kids, or a neighbor, throw or kick a ball there is always a chance it misses its target and hits a vehicle instead. All it takes is one bad throw or kick. Now the vehicle has a dent.
Car Doors
You may be parked in your driveway, on the street, or a parking lot, but your vehicle is susceptible to other vehicles. The person parked next to you may not be paying attention, and when they swing their door open, to get in or out, it hits your vehicle and causes a dent.
Human Error
You could be your own worst enemy when it comes to denting your vehicle. You may accidentally pull up too far in the parking space, you may park too close to a curb, or you may take a speed bump too quickly, all of these could result in dents to your vehicle.
No matter how the dent occurred, Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, offers premiere service, made simple and convenient, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and a lifetime warranty on all repairs. With our Paintless Dent Repair system we can repair any dent on your vehicle. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance!