Dent Repair Dallas

Discover Where the Dent Came From

We all know it’s inevitable. You will walk up to your vehicle after work one today, or maybe a day of shopping, and it’s there. A dent. Where did it come from? It definitely wasn’t there when you left. What happened? Unfortunately, this happens much more often than we’d like. Dents come in all shapes and sizes. So, let’s examine the dent. Commonly, you will find one of the following types:


Sharp Dents

A sharp dent usually occurs when something small hits your vehicle with a strong impact. Maybe the wind picked something up and blew it into the side of your vehicle. Perhaps it was another vehicle’s door. Maybe it was a rouge shopping cart that was blown into your vehicle in the parking lot. When the windblown object hits your vehicle, a sharp dent is usually formed. Due to the metal being stretched outward, sharp dents tend to leave a high spot with a deep “valley”.


Creased Dents

A creased dent shows itself by forming a straight line at the bottom of the dent. Creased dents usually occur when something brushes up and drags against the side of your vehicle. For example, a tree branch, bicycle, another vehicle, trailer, etc.


Extreme Dents

You would probably know what happened if your vehicle had an extreme dent. Extreme dents usually occur when your vehicle has a collision with something else large and at a much faster speed. Maybe another vehicle ran into yours, or maybe your vehicle ran into a mailbox or tree. Extreme dents can even occur just by a person leaning up against your vehicle. However large and intimidating, extreme dents can be, with proper tools and expertise, fully restored.

So if you approach your vehicle and discover a new dent, now you know how to examine and make an educated guess about where it came from. Once you’ve done that, your next step is easy! Call us at Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas. We are your go-to repair shop for any and every kind of vehicle dent. Our Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) service is always available to restore your vehicle back to its former glory.


Dynamic Dent is locally owned and operated, and we work with all insurance companies. A rental car will be provided by your insurance, or us, at no cost. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail damage repairs are not reported to CarFax.


Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance!

Spring Showers Bring... Vehicle Dents?

March is just around the corner. Are you ready for spring? The weather is finally starting to warm-up in North Texas. This means winter is on its way out. Of course, spring brings its own set of challenges for vehicles on the road. As we continue to ride out the last of the winter weather spells it is important for us to be aware of the road hazards spring can, and will bring:

Spring Storms

If you have lived in North Texas for long enough you know how prone we are to spring showers. Rain makes roadways slippery and reduces the traction on your vehicle’s tires. Make sure you drive slowly and keep up with your tire maintenance; this will make a big difference while driving on slick roads.


Hail is probably the most destructive component to our North Texas spring storms. Hail can shatter windshields and leave dents all over the body of your vehicle making it hazardous for you and your passengers. The best thing you can do during a hail storm is to be inside, not in your vehicle. To protect your vehicle from hail you should park it in a garage, covered public parking, beside a large building (on the opposite side of the storm’s direction), or cover your vehicle with old blankets.


As the weather warms up more and more people start to venture outside. More people will be walking, exercising, and biking, so there is an added danger of pedestrians cutting in front of you or getting in your way. Be extra aware near parks or where they may be children.


Just as people start to venture out more, so do animals and other wildlife. As you are driving, be aware, many animals are starting to scavenge for food and look for mates. They may end up in the middle of the road, so stay vigilant to avoid hitting any of these critters.

Winter Roads

Last, but certainly not least, winter weather can wreak havoc on roadways, especially ice and snow. Keep an eye out for any new potholes, or unevenness that could have been created since the fall season. Potholes can lead to a slew of damages to your vehicle, including poor alignment, suspension damage, bent rims, and more.

However, accidents happen. If you do find yourself in an accident or storm that has left your vehicle dented, call us at Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas. .

With our Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) system, we can repair any dent on your vehicle. By repairing your vehicle with PDR you save time and your vehicle’s finish will not be harmed. Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance!

Get Winter Ready!

Have you noticed the cooler weather here in North Texas? Slowly but surely, winter is coming. Temperatures don’t usually drop below freezing here, but at Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, we know that it is important to stay weather aware and take necessary precautions to protect yourself and your vehicle. If, or when, the more severe weather makes its way into our area, make sure you have a plan and follow precautions to reduce the risk of denting your vehicle. 

Be Aware

When you go to leave somewhere in your vehicle you should already have a plan. Be sure to plan your route before leaving your current location. When the weather is freezing, usually at night, ice can build up. Deciding on a plan for your route before you get in your vehicle will allow you to pre-access the roads and find our which ones are clear and which ones could have ice. This will prevent you from slipping on the icy roads and causing damage to your vehicle or self. 

Turn on Fog Lights

When fog inevitably settles in be sure to turn on your vehicle’s fog, or low, lights. This might seem like common sense, however, if you do not turn them on other drivers will not be able to see you or you may not be able to see the other drivers. This could cause an unfortunate and catastrophic collision. 

Check Tire Threads

Even when it is warm outside you should be checking your tire threads. However, it is extremely important in the winter months. You need to be sure you check them BEFORE winter weather hits. In the event of icy roads, bad treads on tires will lesson the traction your vehicle has on the road and will increase your chances of slipping and crashing into barriers. 

Shovel that Snow

If you have any snow on your vehicle when you go to leave your location it is best to push off any excess. Snow will gradually gather and accumulate. Large pieces of ice can be sharp and could severely damage your vehicle. Pushing off any excess snow or ice (if you can) will help lower the chance of damage. 

Unfortunately, even with the most weather aware and careful drivers, accidents still happen. At Dynamic Dent we will fix you up in a breeze! We offer premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail repairs are not reported to CarFax. So, if you find yourself with a dented vehicle, do not panic. Dynamic Dent is here for you! Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance. 

Dynamic Dent - We've Got You Covered

Unfortunately, your vehicle will likely endure some sort of trauma to it eventually. You could be the best and most careful driver in the world, but accidents are not always your fault. Your vehicle will likely fall victim to some sort of dent. You may walk outside one day and realize your vehicle has a dent caused by another’s vehicle’s door, hail, or maybe even a full collision. However, when that day comes, you have no reason to fret. Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here for you and your vehicle. We will repair your damaged vehicle with our simple Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) process that guarantees results. 

We know that dents come in all shapes and sizes. This is why we utilize PDR. PDR can repair any dent related damage to your vehicle. You may notice small door dings, hail damage, or large dents caused by a a collision; all of these are repairable with PDR. Our highly trained PDR technicians will use a set of unique tools that are specifically designed to access dents from the backside of the metal panel. From there technicians slowly massage and push to reshape the dented panel and restore your vehicle back to its pre-dented condition. 

No matter the size, any dent can be restored completely by our PDR expert technicians. Through PDR’s ultimate restoration you know that your vehicle is repaired back to its original strength. Over time, those dents will not return, saving you time, money, and energy. 

Compared to a typical body repair shop, PDR is usually much faster. We know your time is valuable, so we want to get you on your way quickly without compromising the quality of work. Additionally, dent repair at a typical body repair shop fixes the dent then paints over it. The PDR process ensures your vehicle’s factory fishing will not be harmed, maintaining your vehicle’s value. 

Traditional dent removal methods require the use of paint thinner, paint, body filler, and other materials. PDR does not need any of that. By utilizing PDR the amount of toxins workers are exposed to is drastically reduced, and it lowers the amount of toxins released into the environment. 

Dynamic Dent is locally owned and family operated. We work with all insurance companies. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on all approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail repairs are not reported to CarFax. We will also ensure a rental car is provided to you, by us or your insurance, at no additional cost. 

Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. We specialize in outstanding customer service, quality work, and PDR. We want you to feel comfortable knowing your vehicle is safe in our hands. Contact us immediately to get the claims process started with your insurance! 

Paintless Dent Repair - Your Vehicle Has Never Been Happier

The time came. Despite your best efforts, your vehicle has been dented. Maybe you were in a collision. Maybe your kids opened the door a little too quickly and slammed the vehicle’s door against something. Maybe it was just the wind that pushed a shopping cart into your vehicle. 

No matter the reason, Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here to serve you. We know that dents come in all shapes and sizes. However the dent got there, we want you to know that your vehicle is in good hands with our cutting-edge Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) technique to repair dents. We specialize in outstanding customer service, quality work, and PDR. We’ll have your vehicle looking new again with little to no inconvenience to you. 

What is PDR?

PDR is the process we use here at Dynamic Dent to repair dent related damage on your vehicle. To implement PDR, one of our highly trained technicians will use a unique set of tools designed to access the dent, or dents, from the backside of the metal panel. The technician will then slowly massage and push to reshape the dented panel and restore the area to its pre-damaged condition. 

What is so great about PDR?

We’re glad you asked: 

1. Repair Any Dent

Due to the nature of PDR, PDR is able to repair all dents and dings. Through PDR’s ultimate restoration you can know that your vehicle is repaired back to its original strength. It does not matter how the dent first occurred. Over time, the nets we have repaired will not return, saving you time, money, and energy. 

2. Less Toxins

A variety of materials are used when it comes to traditional dent restoration, such as paint thinner, paint, body filler, etc. PDR does not require any of that. PDR only uses the unique set of tools needed to access the dent from the backside and massage it back into shape. By utilizing PDR the amount of toxins released into the environment is lowered, and the amount of toxins workers are exposed to is drastically reduced. 

3. Time Saved

At Dynamic Dent we could have your vehicle repaired in just a number of hours. PDR is a relatively quick process. This saves you time and allows minimal disruption to your everyday routine. 

4. Holds Value

When you take your vehicle to be restored using traditional methods, the dent is repaired then painted over. This technique lowers the overall value of your vehicle. In general, service costs are much lower with PDR, and the value of your vehicle is maintained because the original paint job was never messed with. 

Dynamic Dent is locally owned and operated. We offer premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance! 

What to Look for While Driving this Summer

Any time you are out and about, there is a chance your vehicle could collide with something and come away with a dent. Sometimes we are minding our own business at work, or shopping, and when we return to our vehicle we discover that something has hit it. If you know what you should be aware of and looking for, maybe we can help to minimize your chances: 

Car Doors

Almost anytime your vehicle is parked it is susceptible to other vehicles. It could be parked in your own driveway, on the street, or a parking lot. All it takes is someone pulling up next to your vehicle, not really pay attention, and when they swing their door open, to get in or out, it hits your vehicle and causes a dent. 

Distracted Driving

We are entering the summer months where teenagers are more frequently on the roads, but really anyone could be a distracted driver. You may be talking on the phone or to someone in the backseat, and you just aren’t fully paying attention. You, or another distracted driver, may accidentally collide with another vehicle resulting in dents to both of your vehicles. 

Recreational Equipment

Unfortunately, recreational equipment can hit your vehicle even while it is parked in your driveway. Many families and kids are spending more time outside while the weather is sunny and warm. You may even find yourself and your family outside enjoying some recreational activities. As you, your kids, a neighbor, or people at a park throws or kicks a ball there is always a chance it misses its target and hits a vehicle instead. All it takes is one bad throw or kick, and now your vehicle has a dent. 

Automatic Car Washes

Automatic car washes are a great and convenient tool that you can utilize to get your vehicle clean. However, sometimes they can leave unwanted dents on your vehicle. While your vehicle is on the conveyor belt it can get bumped, leaving an unwanted dent. 

Shopping Carts

When we go to park at a store, we often look for a location that is not near any free range shopping carts. However, someone could leave a shopping cart unattended near your vehicle while you are unaware and blissfully enjoying your time in the store. Ideally, shoppers would take their carts back to their proper location, but that is not always the case. 

Human Error 

Let’s just be honest, sometimes we are our own worst nightmares. Maybe we accidentally pulled up too far in a parking space, parked too close to a curb, or took a speed bump a little too quickly. Any of these could result in a dent to your vehicle. 

So, while dents inevitably come, do not fret! Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here to assist you every step of the way. We offer premiere service, made simple and convenient, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and a lifetime warranty on all repairs. With our Paintless Dent Repair system we can repair any dent on your vehicle. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance! 

What You Should Look For in a Vehicle Dent

We have all been there. You walk up to your vehicle after work, or from shopping, and there is a new dent. Where did it come from? It was not there when you left. What happened? Unfortunately this happens more often than we would like. Dents come in all shapes and sizes. So, let’s look at the dent. Commonly, you will find one of the following types: 

Extreme Dents

You would probably know what happened if your vehicle has an extreme dent. Extreme Dents usually occur when your vehicle has a collision with something else large and at a much faster speed. Maybe another vehicle ran into yours, or maybe your vehicle ran into a mailbox or a tree. Extreme dents can even occur just by a person leaning up against the vehicle. However large and intimidating extreme dents can be, with the proper tools and expertise, they can be fully restored. 

Creased Dents

A creased dent shows itself by forming a straight line at the bottom of the dent. Creased dents usually occur when something brushes up and drags against the side of your vehicle. For example, a tree branch, trailer, bicycle, another vehicle, etc. 

Sharp Dents

A sharp dent usually occurs when something small hits your vehicle with a strong impact. Maybe the wind picked something up and blew it into the side of your vehicle. Perhaps it was another vehicle’s door. Maybe it was a rouge shopping cart blown into your vehicle in the parking lot. When the windblown object hits your vehicle, a sharp dent is usually formed. Due to the metal being stretched outwards, sharp dents usually leave a high spot with a deep “valley.” 

If you approach your vehicle after a long day and find a new dent on your vehicle, now you know how to examine and figure out where it came from. Once you’ve done that, we have you covered! Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here for you. We are your go to repair shop for any and every kind of dent. Our Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) service is always available to restore your vehicle back to its former glory. 

Dynamic Dent is locally owned and operated, and we work with all insurance companies. A rental car will be provided by your insurance, or us, at no cost. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail damage repairs are not reported to CarFax. 

Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance! 

Here we go, 2022! Let's Live Dent-Free!

Whew! We made it! So long, 2021! Here we go, 2022! We know this is the time of year people are often making goals and predictions for the new year. Well, we have a goal for you: be dent-free! Unfortunately, you may have had a collision or fender bender involving your vehicle. However, you have no reason to worry. Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here to sort it out and help you be on your way to dent-free living! 

Dynamic Dent is your go-to repair shop for collision and hail damaged vehicles. We use the process of Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) to repair any dent related damage on your vehicle. 

Has a hail storm recently come through? Slid on ice? Did you recently endure a fender bender? Maybe a shopping cart rolled into your vehicle. Our PDR technicians are highly trained. They will use a unique set of tools that are specifically designed to access dents from the backside of the metal panel. After they access the panel, the technician will slowly massage and push to reshape the dent and restore it to its pre-damaged condition. 

No matter how big or small the dent is, if the work is done by an expert, it can be restored entirely. The process of PDR in no way harms your vehicle’s factory finish, maintaining your vehicle’s value. PDR is also usually much quicker than a typical body repair shop, getting you on your way faster without compromising quality of work. 

When you get your vehicle repaired the traditional way, the workers simply fix the dent then paint over it. This lowers the overall value of your vehicle. Generally, service costs are lower with PDR, and the value of your vehicle is maintained because the original paint job remains intact. Since the process of PDR is relatively quick, you save time and it minimally disrupts your daily routine. 

When traditional dent removal methods are utilized, paint thinner, paint, body filler, and other materials are used. PDR does not require any of that. This drastically reduces the amount of toxins workers are exposed to, and it lowers the toxins released into the environment, making PDR more environmentally friendly. 

Dynamic Dent is locally owned and family operated, and we work with all insurance companies. A rental car will be provided by your insurance, or us, at no cost. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail repairs are not reported to CarFax. 

Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance! We look forward to working with you to make 2022 a dent-free year! 

Is Your Vehicle Ready for Winter?

We’ve had a few bouts of cooler weather in North Texas, but we all know there is more coming. Temperatures don’t usually drop below freezing, but at Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, we know it is important to stay weather aware and take necessary precautions to protect yourself and your vehicle. If, or when, the more severe winter weather makes its way into our area, make sure you have a plan and follow precautions to reduce the risk of denting your vehicle

Shovel that Snow

If you have any snow on your vehicle when you go to leave your location it is best to push off any excess. Snow will gradually gather and accumulate. Large pieces of ice can be sharp and could severely damage your vehicle. Pushing off any excess snow or ice (if you can) will help lower the change of damage. 

Check Tire Treads

Even when it is warm outside you should be checking your tire tread. However, it is extremely important in the winter months. You need to be sure you check them BEFORE winter weather hits. In the event of icy roads, bad treads on tires will lesson the traction your vehicle has on the road and will increase your chances of slipping and crashing into barriers. 

Turn on Fog Lights

When fog inevitably settles in be sure to turn on your vehicle’s fog, or low, lights. This might seem like common sense, however, if you do not turn them on other drivers will not be able to see you or you may not be able to see the other drivers. This could cause an unfortunate and catastrophic collision. 

Be Aware

When you go to leave somewhere in your vehicle you should already have a plan. Be sure to plan your route before leaving your current location. When the weather is freezing, usually at night, ice can build up. Deciding on a plan for your route before you get in your vehicle will allow you to pre-access the roads and find out which ones are clear and which ones could have ice. This will prevent you from slipping on the icy roads and causing damage to your vehicle or self. 

Unfortunately, even with the most weather aware and careful drivers, accidents still happen. At Dynamic Dent we are fix you up in a breeze! We offer premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail repairs are not reported to CarFax. So, if you find yourself with a dented vehicle, do not panic. Dynamic Dent is here for you! Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance. 

Dynamic Dent is Your Go-To Auto Dent Repair Shop

Unfortunately, accidents happen. You could be the best and most careful driver in the world, but the accident is not always your fault. Your vehicle will likely fall victim to some sort of dent eventually. Someday you may realize your vehicle has a dent caused by a door ding, hail, or maybe even a collision. When that day comes, Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions is here for you and your vehicle. Located in Lewisville, Texas, we will repair your damaged vehicle with our simple Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) process that guarantees results. 

We know that dents come in all shapes and sizes. That’s why we utilize PDR that can repair any dent related damage to your vehicle. You may notice hail damage, small door dings, or large dents caused by a collision; all of these are repairable with PDR. Our highly trained PDR technicians will use a set of unique tools that are specifically designed to access dents from the backside of the metal panel. From there technicians slowly massage and plush to reshape the dented panel and restore your vehicle back to its pre-dented condition. 

No matter the size, any dent can be restored completely by our expert PDR technicians. Through PDR’s ultimate restoration you know that your vehicle is repaired back to its original strength. Over time, those dents will not return, saving you time, money, and energy. 

Compared to a typical body repair shop, PDR is usually must faster. We know your time is valuable, so we want to get you on your way quickly without compromising the quality of work. Additionally, dent repair at a typical body repair shop fixes the dent then paints over it. The PDR process ensures your vehicle’s factory finish will not be harmed, maintaining your vehicle’s value. 

Traditional dent removal methods require the use of paint thinner, paint, body filler, and other materials. PDR does not need any of that. By utilizing PDR the amount of toxins workers are exposed to is drastically reduced, and it lowers the amount of toxins released into the environment. 

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Dynamic Dent is locally owned and family operated. We work with all insurance companies. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on all approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail repairs are not reported to CarFax. We will also ensure a rental care is provided to you, by us or you insurance, at no additional cost. 

Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. We specialize in outstanding customer service, quality work, and PDR. We want you to know your vehicle is in good hands. Contact us immediately to get the claims process started with your insurance! 

6 Common Causes of Vehicle Dents

Inevitably, as some point your vehicle will end up with a dent, but do you know where that dent came from? If you know what to be aware of you may be able to avoid a few unwanted collisions. Most commonly, your vehicle is going to be dented by: 

Shopping Carts

When we go the store, we often look for a parking spot that is far away from any roaming shopping carts. However, someone could leave a shopping car unattended near your vehicle while you are unaware in the store. Slowly, the wind blows the shopping cart until it eventually comes into contact with your vehicle resulting in a dent or scratch. Ideally, shoppers would take their carts back to their proper location, but that does not always happen. 

Car Doors 

Another thing that could run into your vehicle is another vehicle’s door. You could be parked in your own driveway, on the street, or a parking lot, but your vehicle is always susceptible to other vehicles. The person parked next to you may not be paying attention, and when they swing their door open, to get in or out, it hits your vehicle and causes a dent. 

Automatic Car Washes

While automatic car washes are a convenient and nice way to get your vehicle clean, sometimes they can leave unwanted dents on your vehicle. While your vehicle is on the conveyor belt it can get bumped, leaving an unwanted dent. 

Distracted Driving

You may be talking on the phone or to someone in the back seat, and you just aren’t fully paying attention. It is easy to become distracted, and you, or another driver, may accidentally collide with another vehicle resulting in dents to your vehicle. 

Recreational Equipment

Unfortunately, recreational equipment can hit your vehicle even while it is parked in your driveway. Many families and kids are spending more time outside while the weather is warm and sunny. You may even find yourself and your family outside enjoying some recreational activities. As you, your kids, or a neighbor, throws or kicks a ball there is always a chance it misses its target and hits a vehicle instead. All it takes is one bad throw or kick, now your vehicle has a dent. 

Human Error

Often times we are our own worst enemies when it comes to denting our vehicles. Maybe we accidentally pull up too far in a parking space, parked too close to a curb, or took a speed bump a little too quickly. any of these could result in a dent for your vehicle. 

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When the dents inevitably come, do not fear! Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here! We offer premiere service, made simple and convenient, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and a lifetime warranty on all repairs. With our Paintless Dent Repair system we can repair any dent on your vehicle. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance! 

How to Examine Different Types of Dents

It is frustrating when your vehicle gets a dent. Unfortunately, they show up much more often than we would like. Maybe you just got off work, you walk out to your vehicle and you see the dent. It was not there when you left it, but now it is. Where did it come from? What happened? What hit it? Dents come in all shapes and sizes. So, examine the dent. Often, you will find one of the following types: 

Creased Dents

A creased dent shows itself by forming a straight line at the bottom of the dent. A creased dent usually occurs when something brushes up and drags against the side of your vehicle. For example, another vehicle, trailer, bicycle, tree branch, etc. 

Sharp Dents

A sharp dent usually occurs when something shall hits your vehicle with a strong impact. Maybe the wind picked up something and blew it into the side of your vehicle. Maybe it was another vehicle’s door. Maybe it was a shopping cart in the parking lot. When the windblown object hits your vehicle, a sharp dent is usually formed. Due to the metal being stretched outwards, sharp dents usually leave a high spot with a deep “valley.” 

Extreme Dents

Extreme dents usually occur when your vehicle has a collision with something else large and at a much faster speed. You would probably know what happened if your vehicle has an extreme dent. Maybe another vehicle ran into yours, or your vehicle ran into a tree or mailbox. However, something extreme dents can occur just by a person leaning up against the vehicle. However large and intimidating extreme dents can be, with the proper tools and expertise, they can be fully restored. 

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So, if you are leaving work and find a dent on your vehicle, now you know how to examine and giro out where it came from. Once you’ve done that, do not worry! Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here for you. We are your go to repair shop for any and every kind of dent. Our Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) service is always available to repair your vehicle. 

Dynamic Dent is locally owned and operated, and we work with all insurance companies. A rental car will be provided by your insurance, or us, at no cost. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail damage repairs are not reported to CarFax. 

Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance. 

Protecting Your Vehicle From the Days of Summer

When we think about summer we think about building sandcastles, enjoying melting popsicles, or lounging by the pool. We do not usually think about our vehicles. At Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, we know the heat and laziness of the summer season can bring on a whole new host of driving hazards: 

Teen Drivers

School is out and curfews aren’t as strictly enforced by parents. This leads to more teen drivers on the roads. Teens aren’t very experienced and are still testing the waters when it comes to driving. Teens also tend to rely more heavily on their phones. Parents, talk to your children about safe driving and keeping their phone put away. Also, enforce those curfews! Limiting the time teens spend on the road (especially at night) makes the roads safer for everyone. 

Overheating Engine

The heat of the summer can directly affect your vehicle’s engine. If your engine does happen to overheat it could breakdown or even cause a fire which poses a risk to you and other drivers on the road. Be sure to check your engine coolant levels frequently, make sure your air conditioning is working, and get your oil changed. If your engine does happen to overheat, pull over immediately and call for help. 


With the warmer weather comes more people getting outside to enjoy some sun. Look around and be aware of bikers, walkers, and children playing. Give bikers at least 3 feet of clearance. Check, and then double check, for walkers when you are turning and changing lanes. Be hyper vigilant as you are driving through neighborhoods for children outside playing. 


As children are out of school and the weather is good, more people are taking off work to go on vacation with their families. This increases the amount of cars on the road which increases the risk of an accident. The risk of drowsy, intoxicated, or distracted drivers increases during the summer. Be sure you are not that driver. Stay hydrated, never drive after drinking, and avoid late night driving. 

Tire Blowout

The risk of having a tire blowout increases in the summer due to an increase in potholes and temperatures. Winter tends to do a number on roads and potholes are increases. Driving over a pothole could blow your tire. In addition, hot temperatures cause the air in your tires to expand which increases the risk of a tire blowout. Check your tire pressure often and make sure you have a spare just in case. Having incorrect tire pressure also reduces your gas mileage so be sure to check frequently. 

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However, if you do find yourself in some sort of accident, do not worry. Call us at Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions. With our Paintless Dent Repair system we can repair any dent on your vehicle. We offer premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Already have a dent? Call us today! 

Paintless Dent Repair Saves You Time and Money

Dents to your vehicle are going to happen. Make you have kids and they open the door too quickly some of the time and slam the vehicle’s door against something. Maybe a shopping cart rolled into your vehicle. Or maybe you were in a collision. 

At Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, we know that dents come in all shapes and sizes. No matter the reason for the dent, we want you to know that your vehicle is in good hands with our cutting-edge Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) technique to repair the dents. We specialize in outstanding customer service, quality work, and PDR. We’ll have your vehicle looking new again with little to no inconvenience to you. 

What is PDR? 

PDR is the process we use to repair dent related damage on your vehicle. To implement PDR, on of our highly trained technicians will use a unique set of tools designed to access the dent, or dents, from the backside of the meal panel. The technician will then slowly massage and push to reshape the dented panel and restore the area to its pre-damaged condition. 

Why is PDR better than other dent restoration methods? 

Thanks for asking! Let us tell you: 

1. Less Toxins

When it comes to traditional dent restoration methods a variety of material are used, such as paint thinner, paint, body filler, etc. PDR does not require any of that. PDR only uses the unique set of tools needed to access the dent from the backside and massage it back into shape. By utilizing PDR the amount of toxins released into the environment is lowered, and the amount of toxins workers are exposed to is drastically reduced. 

2. Any Dent Repaired

Due to the nature of PDR, PDR is able to repair all dents and dings. Through PDR’s ultimate restoration you can know that you vehicle is repaired back to its original strength. It does not matter how the dent first occurred. Over time, the dents we have repaired will not return, saving you time, money, and energy. 

3. Holds Value

When a traditional dent restoration method is utilized, the dent is repaired and then painted over. This lowers the overall value of your vehicle. In general, service costs are much lower with PDR, and the value of your vehicle is maintained because the original paint job is never messed with. 

4. Saved Time

At Dynamic Dent we could have your vehicle repaired in a matter of hours. PDR is a relatively quick process. This saves you time and allows minimal disruption to your everyday routine. 

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Dynamic Dent is locally owned and operated. We offer premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start with claims process with your insurance! 

Spring Showers Bring Road Hazards

The weather is starting to warm up in North Texas. That means winter is on the outs, and spring is almost here! Of course, spring brings its own set of hazards for vehicles on the road. As we finish out the winter season and head into spring (hail season) it is important for us to be aware of the hazards we can, and will, be facing. 

Winter Roads

Winter weather can wreak havoc on roadways, especially the ice and snow storm we had recently. Keep an eye out for any new potholes or unevenness that could have been created since the fall season. Potholes can lead to a slew of damages to your vehicle, including poor alignment, suspension damage, bent rims, and more. 

Spring Showers

If you have lived in North Texas for long you know are prone to spring showers. Rain makes roadways slippery and reduces your vehicle’s tire traction and handling. Make sure to drive slowly and keep up with your tire maintenance; this can make a big difference while driving on slick roads. 


The weather is warming up, people are starting to venture outside. More people are walking, exercising, and biking, so there is an added danger of pedestrians cutting in front of you or getting in your way. Be extra vigilant near parks or where they may be children. 


As people are starting to get out more, so are animals and other wildlife. As you are driving, be aware, many animals are starting to scavenge for food and look for mates. They may end up in the middle of the road, so stay vigilant to avoid hitting any of these critters. 


Hail is another, and probably the most damaging, component to our North Texas spring storms. Hail can shatter windshields and leave dents all over the body of your vehicle making it hazardous for you and your passengers. The best thing you can do in a hail storm is to be in a building, not your vehicle. To protect your vehicle from hail you should park it in a garage, covered public parking, beside a large building (on the opposite side from the storm’s direction), or cover your vehicle in old blankets. 

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If you do find yourself in a storm or accident that has left your vehicle dented, call us at Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas. 

With out Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) system, we can repair any dent on your vehicle. By repairing your vehicle with PDR you save time and your vehicle’s finish will not be harmed. Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance! 

How to Inspect for Vehicle Hail Damage

We are approaching spring in North Texas, this unfortunately means hail storms. While it is important to do what you can to protect your vehicle from hail damage, something it just is not possible. It is important to do a thorough inspection of your vehicles once the hail storm has passed to access for any damage. But what do you look for? 


Start be looking over the glass on your vehicle. Check for broken, chipped, or cracked glass. Check your windshield, then check your side and back windows as well. Cracked glass could impair your vision while driving. Also, if it is cracked enough, it could shatter while you are driving down the road, making it a safety hazard to you and your passengers. 


Next, check your side mirrors. Are they still there, or did the hail knock them off? If they are still there check their joints. Just because the hail didn’t knock them off initially does not mean they won’t come off at the next bump you take. Just because a mirror is still attached does not mean it has not taken on damage. Make sure they are still properly attached with no signs of potential failure. You use your mirrors to access your surroundings while driving. If your mirrors are damaged you are putting yourself and others at risk. 


Finally, check the body of your vehicle for dents. Dents from hail can be anywhere on your vehicle, but specifically check the trunk, hood, door jambs, and sides. Hail produces dents in all sizes, big and small, so if there is a dent on your vehicle it could be from the recent hail storm. 

If you have thoroughly inspected your vehicle and have found indicators of dents, do not worry about it. Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here to make your vehicle like new. One of the largest benefits to repairing hail damage, in addition to general aesthetics, is resale value. Our Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) system can repair any dent related damage on your vehicle. PDR repairs tend to be quicker than your average body shop, and unlike a body shop, PDR does not harm your vehicle’s finish. 

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Dynamic Dent is locally owned and family operated, and we work with all companies. A rental car will be provided by your insurance, or us, at no cost. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on approved claimed with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail damage repairs are not reported to CarFax. 

Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simply and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance! We cannot wait to work with you! 

Start 2021 with No Dents

2021 is nearly here! I think we can collectively agree that we are glad to put 2020 behind us. 2020 spared few from hardship. Many of those hardships had to do with jobs or families, but some of them might have had to do with an unfortunate run-in involving your vehicle. No matter the reason for the dents in your vehicle, Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here to get them out. 

Dynamic Dent is your go-to repair shop for collision and hail damaged vehicles. We use the process of Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) to repair any dent related damage on your vehicle. 

You may have had a shopping cart roll into your vehicle. Did you recently endure a fender bender? Has a hail storm come through? Our PDR technicians are highly trained. They will use a unique set of tools that are specifically designed to access dents from the backside of the metal panel. After they access the panel, the technician will slowly massage and push to reshape the dent and restore it to its pre-damaged condition. 

No matter how big or small the dent is, if the work is done by an expert, it can be resorted entirely. The process of PDR is no way harms your vehicle’s factory finish, maintaining your vehicle’s value. PDR is also usually much quicker than a typical body repair shop, getting you on your way faster without compromising quality of work. 

When you get your vehicle repaired the traditional way, the workers simply fix the dent then paint over it. This lowers the overall value of your vehicle. Generally, service costs are lower with PDR, and the value of your vehicle is maintained because the original paint job remains intact. Since the process of PDR is relatively quick, you save time and it minimally disrupts your daily routine. 

When traditional dent removal method are utilized, paint thinner, paint, body filler, and other material are used. PDR does not require any of that. This drastically reduces the amount of toxins workers are exposed to, and it lowers the toxins released to the environment, making PDR more environmentally friendly. 

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Dynamic Dent is locally owned and family operated, and we work with all insurance companies. A rental car will be provided by your insurance, or us, at no cost. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocked cost on approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail repairs are not reported to CarFax. 

Dynamic Dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance! We are looking forward to working with you! 

2021 is here. Let’s get started. 

Why is My Vehicle Dented?

Even though many of us are spending more time than ever at home, our vehicles are almost always at risk of being dented, especially when we are out and about. However, if you know what to be aware of you may be able to avoid a few unwanted collisions. Most commonly, your vehicle is going to be dented by: 

Recreational Equipment

Unfortunately, recreational equipment can hit your vehicle even while it is parked in your driveway. Many families and kids are spending more time outside during this pandemic season. You may even find yourself and your family outside enjoying some recreational activities. As you, your kids, or a neighbor, throws or kicks a ball there is always a chance it misses its target and hits a vehicle instead. All it takes is one bad throw or kick, now your vehicle has a dent. 

Automatic Car Washes

While automatic car washes are a nice way to get a break from your house, and convenient, sometimes they can leave unwanted dents on your vehicle. While your vehicle is on the conveyor belt it can get bumped, leaving an unwanted dent. 

Shopping Carts

Often when we go to the store we look for a parking spot that is far away from any roaming shopping carts. However, someone could leave a shopping cart unattended near your vehicle while you are unaware in the store. Slowly, the wind blows the shopping cart and it eventually comes into contact with your vehicle resulting in a dent or scratch. Ideally, shoppers would take their carts back to their proper location, but that does not always happen. 

Car Doors

You could be parked in your own driveway, on the street, or a parking lot, but your vehicle is always susceptible to other vehicles. The person parked next to you may not be paying attention, and when they swing their door open, to get in or out, it hits your vehicle and cases a dent. 

Distracted Driving

You may be talking on the phone or to someone in the back seat, and you just aren’t fully paying attention. It is easy to become distracted, and you, or another driver, may accidentally collide with another vehicle resulting in dents to your vehicle. 

Human Error

Often times we are our own worst enemies when it comes to denting our vehicles. Maybe we accidentally pulled up too far in a parking space, parked too close to a curb, or took a speed bump too quickly. Any of these could result in a dent for your vehicle. 

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However, there is no need to worry. However the dent occurred, Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, offers premiere service, made simple and convenient, with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and a lifetime warranty on all repairs. With our Paintless Dent Repair system we can repair any dent on your vehicle. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance! 

Winter Will Be Here Soon, Make Plans Today

At Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, winter is starting to show itself. While temperatures in Texas don’t usually drop below freezing, it’s important to stay weather aware and take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your vehicle. If, or when, ice or snow find their way into our area, make a plan and follow precautions to reduce the risk of denting your vehicle.

Know Your Route

If you are leaving to go somewhere in your vehicle, you should already have a plan. Be sure to plan your route before leaving your current location. When the weather is freezing, usually at night, ice can build up. Deciding on a plan for your route before you get in your vehicle will allow you to access the roads and find out which ones are clear and which ones could have ice. This will prevent you from slipping on the ice roads and causing damage.

Fog Lights

When fog inevitably settles in be sure to turn on your vehicle’s fog, or low, lights. This may seem like common sense, however if you do not turn them on other drivers will not be able to see you, or you may not be able to see other drivers. This could cause an unfortunate collision.

Snow Removal

When you go to leave you location, if you have snow on your vehicle it is best to push off any excess. Snow will gather and accumulate. Large pieces of ice can be sharp and could severely damage your vehicle. Pushing off any excess will help to lower the chance of damage.

Tire Tread

Even in the warm months you should be checking your tire tread, however it is extremely important in the winter months. Be sure to check them BEFORE the winter weather hits. In the event of icy roads, bad treads on tires lessen the traction your vehicle has on the  road and will increase your chances of slipping and crashing into barriers

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However, even with the most weather aware and careful drivers, accidents happen. At Dynamic Dent we are locally owned and family operated, and we work with all insurance companies. A rental car will be provided by your insurance, or us, at no cost. Repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail repairs are not reported to CarFax.

Dynamic dent offers premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. So if you o find yourself with a dented vehicle, do not panic. We are here for you. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance!

Dented Vehicle? We Can Fix It!

At Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, we are known for our cutting-edge Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) technique to repair vehicle dents. 

What is PDR? 

PDR is the process we use for repairing dents related to damage on your vehicle. At Dynamic Dent we know that dents come in all shapes and sizes. You could just happen upon a dent caused by hail, a door ding, or even a collision. We want you to know that your vehicle is in good hands. We specialize in outstanding customer service, quality work, and PDR. 

For PDR, one of our highly trained technicians will use a unique set of tools designed to access to dent, or dents, from the backside of the metal panel and then slowly massage and push, reshaping the dented panel and restoring the area to its pre-damaged condition. 

Why is PDR better than other dent restoration methods? 

Thanks for asking. Let us tell you: 

1. Vehicle Holds Value

When a traditional dent restoration method is used, the dent is repaired than painted over. This lowers the overall value of your vehicle. In general, service costs are much lower with PDR, and the value of your vehicle is maintained because the original paint job is never messed with. 

2. Any Dent Repaired

Due to the unique nature of PDR, PDR is able to repair all dents and dings. Through PDR’s ultimate restoration you can know that your vehicle is repaired back to is original strength. It does not matter how the dent first occurred. Over time, the dents we repaired will not return, definitely saving you time, money, and energy. 

3. Less Toxins

When a traditional dent restoration method is used it requires the use of paint thinner, paint, body filler, and other materials. PDR does not require any of that. PDR only used the unique set of tools needed to access the dent from the backside and massage it back into shape. By utilizing PDR the amount of toxins released into the environment is lowered, and the amount of toxins workers are exposed to is drastically reduced. 

4. Saves Time

At Dynamic Dent we could have your vehicle repaired in a matter of hours. PDR is a relatively quick process. This save you time and allows minimal disruption to your daily routine. 

At Dynamic Dent repairs are guaranteed to be fully covered by your insurance, no out of pocket cost on approved claims with discounts, your insurance rates will not increase for a hail damage claim, and hail repairs are not reported to CarFax. We work with all insurance companies, and a rental car will be provided by your insurance, or us, at no cost. 

Dynamic Dent is locally owned and operated. We offer premiere service made simple and convenient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lifetime warranty on all repairs. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance!